Episode 46: HURDLES with Tim Kight

Show Notes

Episode 63: RISE of the READER with Nick Hutchison, Founder of BookThinkers and Author, Rise of the Reader: Strategies for Mastering Your Reading Habits and Applying What You Learn

About The Guest

Nick Hutchison is the founder of BookThinkers, a digital marketing agency that helps authors promote and market their books. He is also the author of Rise of the Reader: Strategies for Mastering Your Reading Habits and Applying What You Learn. Nick is passionate about personal development and helping others overcome challenges through reading and learning.


Nick Hutchison shares his journey from being a competitive athlete to becoming a successful entrepreneur and author. He discusses how reading books helped him overcome personal insecurities and develop confidence. Nick explains the purpose behind his book, Rise of the Reader, which provides strategies for taking action on the information learned from books. He emphasizes the importance of scheduling reading time, setting intentions for each book, and effective note-taking and reading strategies. Nick also discusses the impact of failure on his growth and the mindset shift from fearing failure to embracing it as a learning opportunity.


Key Takeaways

  • Reading books can help overcome personal insecurities and develop confidence.
  • Scheduling reading time and setting intentions for each book are essential for effective learning.
  • Reading and note-taking should be separate activities to enhance comprehension and retention.
  • Failure is a valuable teacher and should be embraced as an opportunity for growth.
  • Small, consistent steps in the right direction lead to exponential progress over time.


    • “Your purpose comes from your pain.” – Nick Hutchison
    • “Failure is actually the best teacher, and you should be encouraged to fail as fast and as often as possible.” – Nick Hutchison
    • “Comparison can create joy when you compare yourself to where you were a few years ago.” – Nick Hutchison
