You. Aren't. Done. YET.

You feel it in your bones: a larger purpose. A dream unfulfilled. A goal that you want to achieve. But you don't know how to bridge the divide between who & what you ARE and who you were meant TO BE.

It's time you got yourself in GEAR.

Strategic in purpose. Relentless in pursuit.

Becoming UnDone GEAR Cohort Zero

The highest achievers have more than just dreams. They set Goals. They have a team to Encourage and hold them Accountable. And they take Responsibility for their role in the process (GEAR up!).

Sign up here to join the Inaugural Fall 2024 GEAR Cohort Zero so that I can help you discover and pursue your dreams! You'll get one-on-one coaching and accountability, tools and actionable assignments, and a timeline YOU design to see your goals cross the finish line! It is totally free and is my gift and promise to you!





GEAR up!

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